Horror Addicts Episode# 140
SEASON 12 - The Next Great Horror Writer Contest
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Judge: H.E. Roulo
Guest Judge: Tim Reynolds
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe
The top 8 / Spoof Commercials.
Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net
164 Days till Halloween
Intro of judges, prizes, and contest.
Read of the top 8 / Spoof Commercials.
Contestants: Feind Gottes, Naching T. Kassa, Jess Landry, AE Kirk, Timothy G. Huguenin, Sumiko Saulson, Cat Voleur, Quentin Norris, Jonathan Fortin, Adele Marie Park, JC Martinez, Harry Husbands, Riley J. Pierce, Daphne Strasert.
HA.Net News:
*Michele Roger talks about Alice in Wonderland: the Bridge Between Reality and Fantasy
*Kenzie Kordic brings us...Ghastly Games: Dead of Winter
*Crystal Connor reviews the movie Lavender
*David interviews Clockwork Wonderland Author Interview: James Pyne
*Jesse Orr's new installment of The Scarlett Dahlia
*PR: The Fourth Monkey by J.D. Barker
*Nightmare Fuel by DJ, LEAP CASTLE.
*Kbatz reviews The Munsters -Season One
*David's Haunted Library features Monsters In Our Wake by JH MONCRIEFF and Beatrice Beecham’s Cryptic Crypt BY DAVE JEFFERY
*HorrorAddicts.net will be having a release party for Clockwork wonderland at baycon, May 27th, 4pm at the San mateo marriott. Meet writers Emerian Rich, Michele Roger, Ezra Barany, Trinity Adler, Jonathan Fortin, Laurel Anne Hill and Sumiko Saulson.
*#NGHW News by Adelise M. Cullens
*By the Fire by David Waston
Find all this and more at HorrorAddicts.net
Dead Mail
Brad P. - Night’s Knights casting
Leslie C. - Night’s Knights casting
Jeff G. - The Norm Virus
Cindy F. - Criting on air #NGHW
Mary B. - How long do the #NGHW peeps take.
Gary R. - #NGHW fav. authors?
Next challenge announced.
Winner announced.
“Broken Pieces” by Valentine Wolfe
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h o s t e s s
Emerian Rich
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