Horror Addicts Episode# 139
SEASON 12 - The Next Great Horror Writer Contest
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Judge: H.E. Roulo
Guest Judge: The Count
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe
The top 8 / 500 Word Blog Posts.
Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net
179 Days till Halloween
Intro of judges, prizes, and contest.
Read of the top 8 / 500 Word Blog Posts.
Contestants: Feind Gottes, Naching T. Kassa, Jess Landry, AE Kirk, Timothy G. Huguenin, Sumiko Saulson, Cat Voleur, Quentin Norris, Jonathan Fortin, Adele Marie Park, JC Martinez, Harry Husbands, Riley J. Pierce, Daphne Strasert.
HA.Net News:
*Jenn Vix / The Sound of the Possessed.
*Midnight Syndicate Live! Will be back at Cedar Point this fall.
*ScareLa 2017 August, 5&6
*Women in Horror film festival September 21 – 24 Peachtree City, GA
*Free Fiction by J.C. Eickelberg installment 2 of C. DARWIN DECAY
*David’s Haunted Library / Alethia by JS Breukelaar and Drawing Dead by Brian Mckinley.
*Kbatz / The Oblong Box and Scream and Scream Again.
*Crystal Connor / Devil in the Dark
*New staff Kenzie Kordic / Love of horror.
*Lisa Vasquez / Building your brand for your writing.
*#NGHW News by Adelise M. Cullens
*By the Fire by David Waston
Find all this and more at HorrorAddicts.net
Dead Mail
Angela - Writing feedback
Kendra - When is Dusk’s Warriors coming out?
Jeff - Thanks
Next challenge announced.
Winner announced.
“Broken Pieces” by Valentine Wolfe
HorrorAddicts.net blog Kindle syndicated
HorrorAddicts.net Facebook group.
Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc...
h o s t e s s
Emerian Rich
s t a f f
David Watson, Stacy Rich, Dan Shaurette, KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Mimielle, D.J. Pitsiladis, Jesse Orr, Crystal Connor, Lisa Vasquez, Adelise M. Cullens, Kenzie Kordic.
Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com
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