Horror Addicts Episode# 142
SEASON 12 - The Next Great Horror Writer Contest
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Judge: H.E. Roulo
Guest Judge: Jeremiah Donaldson
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe
The top 7 / Horror Music Story
Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net
122 Days till Halloween
Hot as hell! Announcement about Dan not returning as judge. San Mateo County Fair.
Intro of judges, prizes, and contest.
Portions of the top 7 stories
Contestants: Feind Gottes, Naching T. Kassa, Jess Landry, AE Kirk, Timothy G. Huguenin, Sumiko Saulson, Cat Voleur, Jonathan Fortin, Adele Marie Park, JC Martinez, Harry Husbands, Riley J. Pierce, Daphne Strasert.
HA.Net News: Captain Blackheart from the Nightmare
*Barbarellatones - “Transpyro”
*Book review: Barnabas, Quentin, and the Sea Ghost
*#NGHW News by Adelise M. Cullens
*By the Fire by David Waston
*DJ Nightmare Fuel, Baron Kriminel
*Kenzie Kordic brings us...Ghastly Games: Ouija Board
*Jesse Orr's new installment of The Scarlett Dahlia
*Kbatz reviews Sweet Recent Scares
*David's Haunted Library features Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero
Find all this and more at HorrorAddicts.net
#NGHW Music to write by
Dead Mail:
Amy - Manga, Love in Hell
Barney - Halloween costumes yet?
Jessica - Getting your hand-written work into the computer easily?
Newbie Writing tips:
*Attack of the killer THAT’S
*Adverbs - cut them.
*POV Point of View & POV after death
*Wondered or thought
*Show don’t tell
*Attack of the killer BEGAN’S
*What’s up with the WASesssss?
*Dialogue punctuation
*Semicolons, colons
*Clunkies - make sentences clearer
*Felts - bring it into his head.
*New writer problems: Starting the story too early. Starting a short story like a novel.
*Don’t monologue or lecture.
*Don’t tell readers what they want to see.
Judges deliberate.
Next challenge announced.
Winner announced.
“Broken Pieces” by Valentine Wolfe