Greetings Darklings across the interwebs. In this week's interview, Ken talks to George Grant from Black Rose Burning. The conversation revolves around who Black Rose Burning is, the in's and out's of the Tears for Fears "Shout" cover and everyone who collaborated on it, sci-fi inspiration, and so much more!
Check out more from Black Rose Burning: Music:
Also available on streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon. Social Media:
Facebook: @blackroseburning
Twitter: @blkroseburning
Horror Addicts Episode# 196
SEASON 16 Cultural Horror
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe
196 | #LeeMurray #DanRabarts #NewZealand #RiotLegion | #TheDeadLands
Find all articles and interviews at:
127 days till Halloween
Music: “Liberation” by #RiotLegion
Merrill’s Musical Musings: #RLMerrill #RiotLegion
Catchup: #MasksOff #TooTiredToVacay #LostTime #PublicPhobic #HippyNoBraNoMaskNoCare
Theme: #NewZealand
#WhatWeDointheShadows #BrainDead #BadTaste #Black Sheep #NightoftheHellHampsters #ISurviviedaZombieHolocaust #Frighteners #Perfect Creature #TheScarecrow #TheIrrefutableTruthAboutDemons #TheFerryman #Ghost Shark 2: Urban Jaws #MicheleRoger #NZHubby #WaitomoHotel
Movie Review: #Nox #TheDeadLands
Live Action Reviews: #CrystalConnor #Gaia #NEONFilms
Daphne’s Den of Darkness: #daphnestarsert #10DrinkstoPairwithMovies #MovieDrinkRecipes
Dead Mail:
Billy: #BadLivingSituations #BadApartments #CrazyNeighbors #Crazies #MonsterAnts
Jeff: #podcastsuggestions #OldGodsoffAppalachia #13DaysofHalloween
Eddie: #RealLifeHorror #carjack #CarSafety
Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #MeaCulpa #StephenKingHouse #Architecture
Bigfoot Files: #LionelRayGreen #BigfootintheBronx
Audiodrama: #TheDeadbringer #emmarkoff, music: “Huitzillin” by Sarah Monroy Solis #sarisolis voices by emerian rich, em markoff, james seo.
Odds and Dead Ends: #KieranJudge #BrainDead
Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #TheRake
NEWS: #CreatureFeature
#HauntsandHellions #gothicromance #Kindle
#JesseOrr #GypsyMob #FreeFictition
#StudentBody #Cannes #TheCaseStudyofVanitas #Unearth #FrackingHorror
Book Review: #DJPitsiladis #MadeInLA
Chilling Chat: #NachingTKassa #Lee Murray #DanRabarts
Author Audio:
#LeeMurray #DanRabarts #FromBloodoftheSun
Voiced by: #EmerianRich #PeteLutz
Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…
Also, send show theme ideas!
h o s t e s s
Emerian Rich
h e a d o f p u b l i s h i n g
Naching T. Kassa
p u b l i s h i n g p. a.
Cedar George
b l o g e d i t o r
Kate Nox
s t a f f
KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Daphne Strasert, Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Christopher Fink, Mimielle, Courtney Mroch
Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email
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the belfry app
podcast republic
google play music
rss YouTube Channel:
Facebook Group
On this episode, we talk music because we are a music podcast, and have a couple new songs to share. We also mull around the question - can problematic artists be redeemed?
Featured songs: When the Clown Cries by Jason Priest
Magdalene by Traitrs
Yes, we get it: The goth scene and the dubstep crowd didn’t exactly mix well. We find that a shame because the music shares so many of the same aggressive, noisy qualities that rivetheads and EBM fans enjoy. Submitted for your consideration, then — a selection of dubstep songs that just might help you change your perspective! Enter this Chapter with an open mind, and you may find some new music to listen to.
We’d like to thank Heather for this Chapter’s listener submission! Send your listener submissions/ suggestions to!
The Arcane Machine is a monthly show with supplemental content on Facebook, Twitter, and Discord throughout each month. If you like what you hear, please visit the artists’ pages linked below and buy some music!
Social Media:
The Belfry: A Home for Dark Culture: The Belfry is the home of excellent podcast Cemetery Confessions, plus interviews, art, and other podcasts rooted deeply in dark/ alternative lifestyles.
Join our Facebook group for discussion and bonus content:
Follow The Arcane Machine on Twitter: @arcane_machine
Follow The Arcane Machine on Instagram: @the_arcane_machine
Use the Discord Widget on the side of the page to join our server and chat with us
Listen here or find us on iTunes, Google Play Music, or your favorite podcast app!
The Tracklist:
1 – “Pirate Hooker” by Zomboy from the EP GameTime (2011)
2 – “Checkmate” by Schoolboy from the single Checkmate (2010)
3 – “EDM Death Machine” by Knife Party from the EP Haunted House (2013)
4 – “The Edge” by KOAN Sound from the EP Funk Blaster (2012)
5 – “Dark Skies” by Nero from the album Between II Worlds (2015)
6 – “Rage Quit” by iNEXUS from the EP Rage Quit (2013)
7 – “Before the Dawn (feat. Celldweller)” by Zardonic from the album Become (2018)
8 – “Rage Quit” by Kaster from the album Extended Play (2012)
9 – “Black Magic (Kill the Noise, Pt. 2)” by Kill the Noise from the EP Black Magic (2012)
Despite historically loathing and delineating itself from ‘mainstream’ society, goth culture and identity finds itself interpolating broader systemic values as do all cultures under capitalism. On todays episode we will explore those behaviors and ideologies that seep in from they systemic framework of patriarchy and white supremacy and examine the subtle yet pernicious impact it has on our relationships and hierarchies within goth.
Our guests this month are Aimee (Mixcloud, IG, FB) Ellen (Etsy, Modeling, YouTube) and Sienna (IG)!
If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us on Patreon!
Goth Praxis 8:03
Systemic Racism and Goth 24:49
Skin Bleaching and Goth’s Association with Whiteness 38:19
Hierarchy and the Meritocracy of Goth Ephemera 1:00:03
Gatekeeping 1:07:03
Performative Allies, White Guilt, Tokenism 1:23:28
Separating Art from Artist 1:34:38
Spilling the Tea 1:46:03
Next Steps 1:55:33
Is Goth Neoliberal or Marxist 2:02:03
Sinister Suggestions 2:10:23
-Bloodstream Covers Sonsombre
-Son’s of the Confederacy
-Cloak and Dagger
-Joy Division’s Nazi EP Cover
-Skin Bleaching
-IBF and Goth’s Whiteness
-Goth Makeup for Darker Skin
-Commitment Against Racism
-Black Activists to Follow
-Indigenous Activists to Follow
-Latinx Activists to Follow
-Asian Activists to Follow
-Black Skin vs. Pale Aesthetic
-I’m so Goth I Was Born Black
-San La Muerte Fest
-Goth So White
-Nazi Goths Fuck Off
-What Ends When Symbols Shatter
-Black History and America’s Gothic Soul
-Racial Doll Test
-Obscura Undead: Goth is Political
-Consumer Identity
-Neo-liberal Wokeism
-Colorism in Goth
-Extreme Politics in Underground Music
Horror Addicts Episode# 195
SEASON 16 Cultural Horror
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe
195 | #EugenBacon | #AfricanHorror | #Vexillary | #HisHouse |
Find all articles and interviews at:
141 days till Halloween
Music: “Maritime Panic” by Vexillary
Merrill’s Musical Musings: #RLMerrill #Vexillary
Catchup: #SpilledMilk #TheShiningwithMilk #GothGirlFail #Vaccination #TummyCamera #AftermathofPinkyToeCutOff #ElderGoth #MentalVacay
Theme: #AfricanHorror
#NuzoOnoh #AboutAfricanHorror
HELP! We need more to add to our list.
#TheTokoloshe #Heks #TheUnforgiving #LastOneOut #TheBoneSnatcher #Eternity #FriedBarry #Hellgate #TheSoulCollector8 #Missing Angel
Filmed in Africa?
#House on Willow Street #Lost Boys: The Thirst #The Mangler #Dracula3000
#Surviving Evil
Frightening Flix: #Kbatz #HisHouse
Live Action Reviews: #CrystalConnor #TheBinding #Held
Daphne’s Den of Darkness: #daphnestarsert #
#TheHellboundHeart #CliveBarker
#WhoGoesThere # JohnWCampbell
#TheForbidden #CliveBarker
#IKnowWhatYouDidLastSummer #LoisDuncan
#Psycho #RobertBloch
#Jaws #PeterBenchley
Dead Mail:
Billy: #ApartmentHorror #SubwayApartment #FarmChickenPoopHouse #BlackMold #Cockroaches
Martin: #IEatBoys #ChloeMoriondo
Sherry: #VTMBloodRivals #BloodandAlchemy
Write in Dead Mail!
Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #ComingAttractions #HorrorMovies #HorrorStudios
Bigfoot Files: #LionelRayGreen #Hulu #Sasquatch
Audiodrama: #TheDeadbringer #emmarkoff, music: “Huitzillin” by Sarah Monroy Solis #sarisolis voices by rish outfield, emerian rich, em markoff, dj pitsiladis, philip ginn, james seo.
Odds and Dead Ends: #KieranJudge #Tokoloshe
Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #WhiteBluffScreamer
#HauntsandHellions #gothicromance #chilingchat #InspirationStories
#JesseOrr #GypsyMob #FreeFictition #GravestonePress #AHS #FXonHulu #WhatWeDointheShadows
Book Review: #DaphneStrasert #UnkowingISink #TimothyGHugenin
Chilling Chat: #NachingTKassa #EugenBacon
Author Audio:
Read by author Eugen Bacon
Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…
Also, send show theme ideas!
h o s t e s s
Emerian Rich
h e a d o f p u b l i s h i n g
Naching T. Kassa
p u b l i s h i n g p. a.
Cedar George
b l o g e d i t o r
Kate Nox
s t a f f
KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Daphne Strasert, Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Christopher Fink, Mimielle, Courtney Mroch
Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email
b l o g / c o n t a c t / s h o w . n o t e s
the belfry app
podcast republic
google play music
rss YouTube Channel:
Facebook Group
Horror Addicts Episode# 194
SEASON 16 Cultural Horror
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe
194 | #gothicromance | #HauntsandHellions | #Dissonance | #KindredtheEmbraced
Find all articles and interviews at:
162 days till Halloween
Music: “Precipice” by Dissonance
Merrill’s Musical Musings: #RLMerrill #Dissonance
Catchup: #ZombiesAteMyNeighbors #LucasFilmGames #GiantBaby #GhoulPatrol #ApartmentHorrorStories
Gothic Romance: #HauntsandHellions
Buy the book now:
Party at our FB group:
Frightening Flix: #Kbatz #KindredtheEmbraced
Live Action Reviews: #CrystalConnor #Koko-di Koko-da
Top Five TV Series: #Kindred #RedDwarf #DeadLikeMe #Buffy #BloodTies #PushingDaises #Moonlight
Write in your top 5 TV series!
Daphne’s Den of Darkness: #daphnestarsert #InsectHorror #LaurelAnneHill #WWWChallenge #RhondaCarpenter
Dead Mail:
Sage: #HotGoss #VampireGame #ArkaneAustin #OmenVampires
Martin: #GrimReaper #LocktheDoor
Drayton: #HorrorHistoricals #BookRiot #TheGreyWoman #NorthangerAbbey #MysteriesofUdolfo #TheCastle of Ontronto #TheVampyre #Frankenstien #Dracula #DrJandMrH
Write inDead Mail!
Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr #SavannahGA #HauntedHouses #AddamsFamily #BeAfraid #Rats #VincentPrice #OldRadioShow
Bigfoot Files: #LionelRayGreen #Hulu #Sasquatch
Audiodrama: #TheDeadbringer #emmarkoff, music: “Huitzillin” by Sarah Monroy Solis #sarisolis voices by rish outfield, emerian rich, em markoff.
Odds and Dead Ends: #KieranJudge #AnneRadcliffe #TheItalian
Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #LovelandFrogmen
NEWS: #WalpurgisNight #TheSixthChamber
#JesseOrr #GypsyMob #FreeFictition #TheLetter #JSOcconor #Undone #PJCurtis #HistoryoftheOccult #argentinehorror #variety #FilmSharks #AnimeNewsNetwork #VampireComedyManga #
Book Review: #MattMorovich #AliesterBlake #ValentinaCano #HorrorRomance
Chilling Chat: #NachingTKassa #EmerianRich
Author Audio: #gothicromance #hauntsandhellions
“Lighthouse Legend” by Emerian Rich
“Maudaleen” Kevin Ground
“She Woke At Midnight” Naching T. Kassa
“TheHouse Must Fall” R.L. Merrill
“” Daniel R. Robichaud
“Companions” Daphne Strasert
“Love Never Dies” Rowan Hill
Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…
Also, send show theme ideas!
h o s t e s s
Emerian Rich
h e a d o f p u b l i s h i n g
Naching T. Kassa
p u b l i s h i n g p. a.
Cedar George
b l o g e d i t o r
Kate Nox
s t a f f
KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Daphne Strasert, Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Christopher Fink, Mimielle, Courtney Mroch
Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email
b l o g / c o n t a c t / s h o w . n o t e s
the belfry app
podcast republic
google play music
rss YouTube Channel:
Facebook Group
Horror Addicts Episode# 193
SEASON 16 Cultural Horror
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe
193 | #okinawanhorror | #AngelaYurikoSmith | #StaticX | #BlackButler
Find all articles and interviews at:
176 days till Halloween
Music: “Worth Dying For” by Static X
Merrill’s Musical Musings: #RLMerrill #StaticX
Catchup: #HauntsandHellions #CrappyMovies #Underwater #Underwear #TheBeguiled #ShadowandBone #Netflix #RichardArmitage #VampireSeries YouTube Channel:
Japanese Horror: #SlitMouthWoman #Hikiko-San #Hanako-San #HellToilet #TekeTeke
Featured Movie: #EmerianRich #BlackButler #LiveAction #OneHellofaButler
Live Action Reviews: #CrystalConnor #InTheEarth #NeonFilms
Daphne’s Den of Darkness: #daphnestarsert Kevin wrote in asking... #nongoreyhorror #PG13Horror #HerDarkInheritance
Dead Mail:
Jeff, horror addicts better at coping during #pandemic
Leslie, non-Japanese asian movies: #TheEye #Dumpling #TheChildsEye #RigorMortis #UndertheShadow #Macabre #23:59 #Alone #ComingSoon #Shutter #Alive
#JapaneseHorror movies: #Ju-on #Ringu #BattleRoyale #SuicideClub #OneCutoftheDead #OneMissedCall #Pulse #Audition #Confessions #Kwaidan #ItComes #DakrWater #ForestofLove #IAmaHero #Rinne #AsTheGodsWill #DeathNote #YoYoGirlCop
Bigfoot Files: #LionelRayGreen #Hulu #Sasquatch
Audiodrama: #TheDeadbringer #emmarkoff, music: “Huitzillin” by Sarah Monroy Solis #sarisolis voices by james seo, rish outfield, phillip ginn, gabriel markoff, em markoff.
Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr OMG! Emz forgot! Bad Emz! We’ll have 2 next episode! (Sorry Mark x.x)
Odds and Dead Ends: #KieranJudge #Audition
Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #OliviaMabel
NEWS: #JesseOrr #GypsyMob #FreeFiction #JohnDrury #GothicRomance on Insta @HorrorAddicts.netPress #Sanrio #HelloKittyHorror
Book Review: #ClockworkWonderland reviewed by ArielDaWintre #AliceinWonderland
Chilling Chat: #NachingTKassa #AngelaYurikoSmith
Author Audio: Angela Yuriko Smith “Nothing to Give” voiced by Ryn Aussie Smith
Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…
Also, send show theme ideas!
h o s t e s s
Emerian Rich
h e a d o f p u b l i s h i n g
Naching T. Kassa
p u b l i s h i n g p. a.
Cedar George
b l o g e d i t o r
Kate Nox
s t a f f
KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Daphne Strasert, Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Christopher Fink, Mimielle, Courtney Mroch
Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email
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podcast republic
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rss YouTube Channel:
Facebook Group
Horror Addicts Episode# 192
SEASON 16 Cultural Horror
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe
192 - #SLAY | #valentinewolfe | #vampiresvsbronx | #blackvampires
Find all articles and interviews at:
190 days till Halloween
Music: “I Felt a Funeral” by Valentine Wolfe
Ro’s Recs: #RLMerrill #VisionVideo
Catchup: 2021, better year? pandemic no fun, taxes, no zombies, still have to go to work
Audiodrama: #TheDeadbringer #emmarkoff, music: “Huitzillin” by Sarah Monroy Solis #sarisolis voices by james seo, dave strom, kadirah wade
Daphne’s Den of Darkness: #daphnestarsert #vampires
Frightening Flix: #Kbatz #KristinBatestella Vampires Vs. Bronx
Live Action Reviews: #CrystalConnor #Kindred
Dead Mail: martin: smoking comic, kate: horror movies help you burn calories, #TheShining
Bigfoot Files: #LionelRayGreen “The Mystery of Bigfoot” #HistoryChannel #AmericasBookofSecrets #WeJustNeedaBody
Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr in memoriam
Odds and Dead Ends: #KieranJudge #Blade #WesleySnipes
Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #CongelierHouse
NEWS: #GabrielandtheApocalypse, #JesseOrr #GypsyMob #FreeFiction, guest blogs: #LMarieWood #ShakespeareanHorror #religioushorror #monstermadness #freefiction #DanACardoza #DayShift #SnoopDog
Book Review: #EmerianRich #Deadcades #StephanieEllis #ChristopherLong
Chilling Chat: #NachingTKassa #NicoleKurtz #SLAY
Author Audio: SLAY from #MochaMemoirs
Penelope Flynn “Unfleamed” #PenelopeFlynn
Alicia McCalla “The Last Vampire Huntress” #AliciaMcCalla
Valjeanne Jeffers "Beautiful Monsters" #ValjeanneJeffers
Michele Tracy Berger "Blood Saviors" #MicheleTracyBerger
Samantha Bryant "His Destroyer" #SamanthaBryant
Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…
Also, send show theme ideas!
h o s t e s s
Emerian Rich
h e a d o f p u b l i s h i n g
Naching T. Kassa
p u b l i s h i n g p. a.
Cedar George
b l o g e d i t o r
Kate Nox
s t a f f
KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Daphne Strasert, Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Christopher Fink, Mimielle, Courtney Mroch
Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email
b l o g / c o n t a c t / s h o w . n o t e s
the belfry app
podcast republic
google play music
After a brief hiatus, Arcane Machine is back! Just and Ed are celebrating their return to in-person recording with a satchel full of incredible music. Check out their thoughts on some goth classics from the Sisters of Mercy and London after Midnight, and get ready to stomp to some aggressive industrial bangers from Chemlab and Birmingham 6!
Send your listener submissions/ suggestions to!
The Arcane Machine is a monthly show with supplemental content on Facebook, Twitter, and Discord throughout each month. If you like what you hear, please visit the artists’ pages linked below and buy some music!
Social Media:
The Belfry: A Home for Dark Culture: The Belfry is the home of excellent podcast Cemetery Confessions, plus interviews, art, and other podcasts rooted deeply in dark/ alternative lifestyles.
Join our Facebook group for discussion and bonus content:
Follow The Arcane Machine on Twitter: @arcane_machine
Follow The Arcane Machine on Instagram: @the_arcane_machine
Use the Discord Widget on the side of the page to join our server and chat with us
The Tracklist:
1 – “The Kill” by Birmingham 6 from the album Error of Judgement (1996)
2 – “Vision Thing” by Sisters of Mercy from the album Vision Thing (1990)
3 – “Atomic Automatic” by Chemlab from the album Oxidizer (2004)
4 – “Cold War” by Funker Vogt from the album Machine Zeit (2000)
5 – “Bad Blood” by Ministry from the album Dark Side of the Spoon (1999)
6 – Your Best Nightmare” by London After Midnight from the album Selected Scenes from the
7 – “Come Alive” by Pendulum from the single Come Alive (2021)
8 – “Brother” by Kanga from the album You and I Will Never Die (2021)
Greetings Darklings across the interwebs. In this week's interview, Ken and Katy get to have a chat with Alessandro and Claudia from the band Ash Code from across the world! Together, they talk about the new EP "Fear", what life has been like in Italy vs. Kalamazoo, MI, and what fans can look forward to next!
Check out more from Ash Code:
Also available on streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon.
Social Media:
Facebook: @ashcodemusic
Instagram: @ash_code
Twitter: @ashcodemusic
Greetings Darklings across the interwebs. In this week's interview, Ken and Katy have the amazing opportunity to talk to STR from the band Helvete Inc. Together, they learn more about STR and the road to Helvete Inc, pets, and most importantly, Helvete Inc.'s latest release, "The Inevitability ov Nothing".
Check out more from Helvete Inc:
Also available on streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon.
Social Media:
Facebook: @helveteinc
Instagram: @helveteinc
Twitter: @The_Golgothian
Greetings Darklings across the internet. In this week's episode, Ken and Katy have the pleasure of talking with Matt and Beth from "A Cloud of Ravens", an incredible cold-wave band from Brooklyn. Together, the group talks about comic books, cats, and of course, the amazing release of the bands newest album, "Another Kind of Midnight".
To Follow A Cloud of Ravens:
Also available on streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon.
Social Media:
Facebook: @acloudofravens
Instagram: @acloudofravens
Twitter: @acloudofravens
Greetings Darklings from across the internet. This week, we bring you a very special multi-episode mini-series of our podcast where we talk with José Hernández Riwes Cruz about the rise of Goth music and culture in Mexico City.
Featured Tracks:
El Clan- Sin Sentir
Facebook: @elclanmx
Cyteres- Tornasol
Facebook: @Cyteres
Hoffen- Cold Tears of an Angel
Instagram: @hoffen_band
Twitter: @HoffenBand
Facebook: @Hoffenband
Hueco- Madre Russia
Instagram: @huecodark
Twitter: @huecodark
Facebook: @huecodark
Tarrare was 18th century man who could eat almost anything, and did so in large quantities. That included live animals, wooden boxes, and feasts meant for 15 men. In this episode we discuss his life, and what might have been the cause of his condition.
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Hi friends! We're going monthly with our podcast. Inspired by a conversation on Twitch during one of our DJ streams, we decided this time around to talk about horror movies. It's certainly influenced our DJ schtick. We have some recommendations and welcome yours!
In 1518, the city of Strasbourg was consumed by a strange epidemic: hundreds were struck by the irresistible urge to dance until they died. This incident of Dancing Mania was not the first, and no one knew the cause of such strange behaviour. In this episode, we discuss several incidents of dancing mania, as well as the theories - past and present - about its origin.
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Deathrock, goth’s weird cousin? Subgenre? Child of punk? On this episode we’ll be discussing the history, substance and international appeal of patch pant wearing, aquanet smelling weirdos with the help of members from Tears for the Dying and Altar De Fey.
Our guests this month are Adrya of Tears for the Dying and Kent of Altar de Fey!
Get a Cemetery Confessions shirt here!
If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us on Patreon!
The History of Deathrock (intro)
80’s Deathrock 8:30
Shock 16:45
DIY 25:30
2000’s 33:45
Modern Deathrock 44:45
Politics 59:00
Album Review 1:15:00
Forbundet - Garmarn
Sinister Suggestions 1:35:30
-A Brief History of Deathrock
-Catholicism and Deathrock
This month we are talking all things German! Of course WGT gets some air time, but we’ll also be discussing the globalization of the goth community via twitch, the intricacies of the various subcultures like steampunk, EBM, Romantigoths and deathrockers in the big cities we all know, club culture, German goth bands, childhood stories and more. Zum Wohl!
Our guest this month is DJ Cyberpagan who you can catch on twitch and around the internet.
Defining Goth through German Fashion 9:30
Clubbing 13:25
Goths on Twitch 30:51
The music of Germany 53:13
Moral Panics and German Culture 1:06:21
German Politics and Goth Ideology 1:10:00
Upcoming Content 1:40:00
-East German Goth and the Specters of Marx
-B-Movie: Lust and Sound in West Berlin
-The German Gothic Subculture
-Searching for the True Meaning of goth in 2018
In this episode - we discuss underrated and overrated bands related to our scene. And Jay is ready to shit on fans of aggrotech.
Sparks Brothers Documentary
(Feat. Mari Kattman) - Criminal
When a current artist you love pays homage to a classic song you enjoyed in your youth, it feels like magic… two forces of nature colliding to make a special song just for you. In this month’s chapter, Justin and Ed share cover songs from some of their favorite artists. Send your listener submissions/ suggestions to!
The Arcane Machine is a monthly show with supplemental content on Facebook, Twitter, and Discord throughout each month. If you like what you hear, please visit the artists’ pages linked below and buy some music!
Social Media:
The Belfry: A Home for Dark Culture: The Belfry is the home of excellent podcast Cemetery Confessions, plus interviews, art, and other podcasts rooted deeply in dark/ alternative lifestyles.
Join our Facebook group for discussion and bonus content:
Follow The Arcane Machine on Twitter: @arcane_machine
Follow The Arcane Machine on Instagram: @the_arcane_machine
Use the Discord Widget on the side of the page to join our server and chat with us
The Tracklist:
1 – “Angry Inch” From Hedwig & the Angry Inch, by Type O Negative from the album Life is Killing Me (2003)
2 – “Dominion” by The Sisters of Mercy, Covered by Information Society from the album Orders of Magnitude (2016)
3 – “Head Like a Hole” by Nine Inch Nails, Covered by PIG from the album Covered in Nails: A Tribute to Nine Inch Nails (2006)
4 – “Rock Me Amadeus” by Falco, Covered by Front Line Assembly feat. Jimmy Urine from the album Wake Up the Coma (2019)
5 – “Like a Prayer” by Madonna, Covered by BiGod 20 from the album It’s Up to You (1993)
6 – “Supernaut (Trent Reznor Vocal Version)” by Black Sabbath, Covered by 1000 Homo DJs from the EP 1000 Homo DJs (1989)
7 – “Red Flags & Long Nights” by She Wants Revenge, Covered by Leæther Strip from the album A Tribute To She Wants Revenge (2006)
8 – “Enter Sandman” by Metallica, covered by Die Krupps from the album A Tribute to Metallica (1992)
9 – “Are Friends Electric?” by Gary Numan, covered by Information Society from the album Don’t Be Afraid (1997)
This month we invite DJs and musicians from different parts of Latin America on to talk about what it’s like to be part of the local and global community.
Our guests are Alexandra, Christian, Dani, Marima, and Tirza!
What is goth 26:25
Is goth too European? 45:48
How are you treated where you live? 1:03:00
Goth families 1:19:00
What are the themes of Latinx music? 1:28:40
Do goths outside Latin America recognize that scene? 1:42:00
Latin American band Master List
Tales of love, madness and death
Mexico Underground
Dona Pacha
El gotico en la novela historica mexicana del siglo
Ukraine Goth
History of Mexican Goth
South American Goth - Obscura Undead
Our mix features Nox Novacula & Profit Prison, Talk To Her, The Number H, Abu Nein, Julia Bondar, and aux animaux.
We're kicking off season 2, our second year of the podcast with the issues in DJ land and thoughts from listeners!
Featured song - N.A.N. - Black Water.
Greetings Darklings across the interwebs. In this week's interview, Ken, Collin, and Katy have the amazing opportunity to talk to Æðra Justice Burke from the band Fires. The group talks about how Fires came to be, where Æðra draws inspiration from, and amateur wrestling.